Surgeon-Led Specialist Clinic

Led by plastic surgeon Dr. Ayad Harb, we pride ourselves on the standard of care, quality and safety of our treatments.

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SRGN has three state of the art clinic locations in Central London, Bicester & Ascot.

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GMC Registered Surgeons

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Breast Shape

Medically Reviewed April 2023, by Dr. Ayad Harb, one of the world's leading plastic surgeons

About Breast Shape

The female form, with its myriad of unique contours and shapes, has always captured the imagination of society. At the forefront of these aesthetic considerations is the breast—a symbol of femininity, nurture, and beauty. Breasts, in their varied shapes and sizes, have always been associated with a woman's self-image, playing a significant role in her self-confidence. However, it's crucial to note that while media and societal norms often paint a picture of the "ideal" breast shape, such standards are ever-changing, largely arbitrary, and vary across cultures and timelines. The true constant lies in the personal journey every woman undertakes to appreciate, embrace, or even transform her body as she sees fit.

Breast shape is the result of a confluence of factors. Genetics play a foundational role, determining the base architecture of the breast. But as time marches on, age introduces its effects. Hormonal changes, especially those experienced during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, further influence the breast's form. Childbirth and breastfeeding leave their indelible marks, sometimes altering the breast shape significantly. Even factors such as weight fluctuations, which might seem unrelated, can cause the breasts to expand or contract, altering their original shape. And, of course, gravity—ever-present and unyielding—exerts its pull, leading to potential sagging or drooping over the decades.

Another intricate detail shaping the breast's appearance is the skin that encases it. The elasticity of this skin, the distribution of underlying breast tissue, and the positioning and size of the areola and nipple are all contributors. As women navigate through the stages of life, these elements interact and transform. Aging might bring with it a loss of volume in some areas, or a shift in the breast tissue's orientation.

From a medical vantage point, there isn't a definitive "right" breast shape. Doctors and medical professionals, when assessing breasts, focus on their health, functionality, and the woman's perception of them. It's common for some women to experience discomfort due to their breast shape or size. This discomfort could be physical—manifesting as back and neck pain—or it might be psychological, stemming from societal pressures or personal dissatisfaction. Notably, breast asymmetry, where one breast differs in size or shape from the other, is a prevalent concern among many women.

Those who seek to change or rejuvenate their breast shape often harbour the desire for a more natural, symmetrical appearance. They look for a silhouette that complements their overall body structure and instils a renewed sense of confidence. The surgical approach to achieve this varies dramatically based on each woman's unique anatomy and her envisioned outcome.

Embarking on a journey to alter one's breast shape is a deeply personal decision. It calls for introspection and a genuine understanding of one's desires and motivations. Equally essential is finding the right guidance. Professional plastic surgeons, equipped with experience and knowledge, can demystify the process. They can outline potential risks, set realistic expectations, and, most importantly, listen. Crafting a bespoke plan tailored to an individual's aspirations ensures that the decision to modify one's body becomes a step toward enhanced self-love and appreciation.


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Types of Breast Shape


Round breasts are often seen as the societal "gold standard" due to media portrayals, but it's essential to remember that every breast shape is unique and natural. Round breasts are characterised by their symmetry, with an equal distribution of fullness both at the top and the bottom. They appear as perfect semi-circles, not particularly leaning towards the top or bottom. This shape offers a balanced profile, which is why it's often chosen by women when selecting implants or surgical augmentations. The roundness provides a youthful appearance and is less likely to sag compared to other shapes. However, the prominence of this shape in popular culture has led to undue pressure on many women to conform to this perceived ideal, even though numerous breast shapes are equally beautiful and valid.


The teardrop shape, as the name suggests, resembles a drop of water. These breasts are gently sloping, with a slightly fuller bottom compared to the top. They represent a more natural look, with a subtle gradient from the collarbone down to the fullest part of the breast. This shape is common among women who have not undergone any surgical intervention. As women age, the gravitational pull might cause the breasts to take on a more teardrop appearance. Teardrop-shaped breasts are versatile and suit various body types, providing a soft and natural silhouette. This shape is also a popular choice for breast augmentation, as it offers a more "natural" look post-surgery.

Bell Shape

Bell-shaped breasts are narrower at the top and widen gracefully as they descend, culminating in a rounded base, much like a bell. They're a more elongated version of the teardrop shape. This shape is common among women with larger breast sizes. Due to their fullness and weight, bell-shaped breasts may be prone to sagging, especially without proper support. The challenge with this breast shape is finding the right bra that provides adequate lift and separation. However, they provide a full and voluptuous appearance, embodying a classic femininity that many women love.


Slender breasts are elongated and narrower, hanging more vertically than other shapes. Typically found in women with smaller breast sizes, they have a more extended base and less fullness at the top. These breasts tend to point downwards. Slender breasts might be seen in younger women who haven't experienced significant hormonal shifts or in women who've experienced a decrease in breast volume due to age or weight loss. The slender shape is graceful and delicate, fitting seamlessly with petite body frames. It also offers a unique aesthetic that stands out in its elegance.


The East-West breast shape is characterised by the direction of the nipples, which point outward in opposite directions. The breasts themselves have a gentle curve but may not have a lot of fullness in the centre, leading to a wider gap between the breasts. This shape is quite common and can vary in breast size from small to large. It offers a natural look, especially when lying down, as the breasts gently splay to the sides. Proper bra fitting can provide desired front-facing fullness for women who prefer that aesthetic.

Breast Shape Treatment


In the realm of aesthetic enhancements, BodyTite has emerged as a beacon of innovation, redefining the boundaries of what's possible in minimally invasive procedures. As modern-day women seek solutions that blend efficacy with subtlety, BodyTite's offering provides timely and transformative. Designed for those who envision a refined breast shape without enduring the extensive recovery commonly associated with traditional surgeries, BodyTite's approach is both delicate and potent.

Harnessing the potential of radiofrequency energy, BodyTite stands apart in its ability to impact both the surface and deeper layers of the skin. The genius of the treatment lies in the simultaneous delivery of this energy both above and beneath the skin's surface. This orchestrated energy transmission achieves a trifecta of benefits. Firstly, it tightens the skin, ironing out minor imperfections. Secondly, it actively reduces fatty tissues in targeted areas. Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, it stimulates the production of collagen, the protein responsible for skin's elasticity and youthful firmness.

For women who grapple with the inevitable sagging or volume loss in their breasts, BodyTite offers a ray of hope. While it doesn't promise the dramatic transformations characteristic of traditional breast surgeries, it does pledge significant, natural-looking enhancements with a host of accompanying benefits. The procedure, being minimally invasive, sidesteps the pitfalls of extensive scarring, considerably reducing potential complications. The healing period, often a deterrent for many considering aesthetic procedures, is notably shortened. This expedited recovery means patients can reintegrate into their daily routines with minimal disruption. Furthermore, the procedure's gentleness ensures that discomfort, both during and post-treatment, remains at a minimum.

However, what perhaps cements BodyTite's appeal is the authenticity of the results. In a world where overly dramatic cosmetic enhancements often draw attention for the wrong reasons, BodyTite prides itself on its discretion. The treatment seeks to amplify the natural beauty of the breasts, steering clear of the "overdone" aesthetic. Instead, it aims for rejuvenation that feels genuine—a subtle lift here, a gentle contouring there, resulting in a silhouette that feels both new and familiar.

As with any significant decision regarding one's body, considering BodyTite requires research, reflection, and consultation. The first step on this journey should always be a conversation with a seasoned plastic surgeon, specifically one with a proven track record with BodyTite procedures. Such a professional can demystify the process, set realistic expectations, outline potential risks, and craft a tailored plan. The aim is to align the procedure with the patient's aspirations, ensuring the final outcome feels harmonious and resonant with their sense of self. In essence, BodyTite isn't just about enhancing one's physical form; it's about amplifying confidence and redefining self-perception.

About Our Clinic

Located in the heart of Ascot, Bicester, and London, the SRGN Clinic exemplifies afusion of cutting-edge science, unparalleled skill, and an unwavering commitment to patient care. The clinic stands as a beacon of excellence in thefield of aesthetic and plastic surgery.

Leading the team at SRGN is Dr. Ayad Harb, a renowned plastic surgeon and aesthetic trainer. His expertise, honed by years of experience and a genuine passion for improving lives, defines the very core of the clinic's ethos. Dr. Harb's innovative techniques, combined with an artistic eye for detail, enable him to deliver consistently exceptional results that are tailored to each patient's individual needs and desires.

At SRGN, we believe in the transformative power of aesthetic and plastic surgery. Our treatments, ranging from non-invasive procedures to complex surgical interventions, are designed to enhance and accentuate your natural beauty. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment where you can discuss your aesthetic goals openly, and together we create a treatment plan that brings these goals to life.

Every member of the SRGN team shares a deep commitment to patient care. We prioritise your comfort, safety, and satisfaction from the moment you step into our clinic. Each of our facilities mirrors the luxury and tranquility of their surroundings, offering a serene space where you can embark on your journey to self-improvement.

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