Surgeon-Led Specialist Clinic

Led by plastic surgeon Dr. Ayad Harb, we pride ourselves on the standard of care, quality and safety of our treatments.

Central Clinic Locations

SRGN has three state of the art clinic locations in Central London, Bicester & Ascot.

Care Quality Commission

We're regulated by the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

GMC Registered Surgeons

All of our surgeons are registered with the General Medical Council.




Medically Reviewed April 2023, by Dr. Ayad Harb, one of the world's leading plastic surgeons

About Redness

Redness on the skin, medically referred to as erythema, is a phenomenon that has been a concern for many individuals across the ages. This reddening can be described as a manifestation of the skin's response to various factors, both external and internal. At its essence, the skin’s primary duty is to act as our body’s frontline defence, shielding us from environmental aggressors. It’s an intricate system where any disruption or challenge can lead to visible reactions, with redness being one of the most common.

Often, the occasional blush or the transient redness seen after a brisk walk is considered a natural skin response. These are momentary occurrences and typically don’t signal any underlying issues. However, when redness persists, appears suddenly, or is accompanied by other symptoms, it could be indicative of a deeper concern. Distinguishing between these types of redness is essential for both the affected individual and the healthcare professional attending to them.

External factors are common culprits behind skin redness. Harsh weather elements such as biting cold winds or intense sun can strip the skin of its essential oils, leaving it vulnerable. These elements can cause the skin to react with redness as a form of protest or as a sign of damage. Furthermore, the skincare industry, while booming, is also a source of numerous products that might not agree with everyone. Products that are heavily fragranced or contain certain alcohols can be harsh on sensitive skin, leading to pronounced redness.

Then there are physical procedures and treatments designed to rejuvenate and restore skin health. Scrubs, exfoliants, or even certain massages can lead to temporary skin redness. These are often harmless and are merely a sign that the skin is reacting to the new stimulus. However, prolonged redness post-treatment could indicate a reaction or sensitivity and might need further attention.

On the other hand, internal factors are more intricate in their relationship with skin redness. Several health conditions, some known and others not so apparent, can cause redness. For instance, conditions like rosacea, which specifically targets facial skin, can cause a persistent red hue. Eczema, a more systemic skin ailment, can also lead to patches of red, inflamed skin. Even allergies, which might not be directly related to the skin, can show up as hives or areas of redness when the body encounters an allergen.

Beyond diseases and conditions, even our mental and emotional states can influence our skin's appearance. Stress, a prevalent issue in today’s fast-paced world, can cause a host of skin issues, including redness. The hormonal tumult, especially seen during periods, pregnancy, or due to specific medications, can also lead to skin redness. Such instances highlight the skin's sensitivity and its interconnectedness with our overall health.

In many cases, redness on the skin isn't just an aesthetic concern. Persistent redness, especially when left unaddressed, can lead to heightened skin sensitivity. The skin might become more prone to damage, leading to potential scarring or pigmentation issues. Such manifestations don’t just affect one's physical appearance; they can also deeply impact psychological well-being. Persistent skin issues, including redness, have been linked to lowered self-esteem and increased self-consciousness.

In conclusion, redness, while seemingly straightforward, is a multi-faceted concern that demands a nuanced understanding. Its causes are manifold, ranging from benign external triggers to more profound internal conditions. The key lies in discerning the type and cause of redness, ensuring that it is addressed aptly and timely for both the skin's health and the individual's overall well-being.


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Types of Redness

Temporary Redness

Temporary redness is perhaps the most commonly experienced form of skin redness and is, as the name suggests, transient in nature. This ephemeral response of the skin can result from a plethora of factors, both benign and more serious.

For many, a blush during a moment of embarrassment or a flushed complexion after a bout of exercise represents this category. The skin's blood vessels dilate due to the increased heart rate or emotion, leading to a brief reddened appearance. Similarly, mild sunburn after an afternoon on the beach or a pinkish hue following a hot shower or sauna session are other examples. While these occurrences are typically short-lived, fading once the triggering event concludes, they still highlight the skin's reactivity.

However, not all temporary redness is harmless. In some instances, it can be a precursor or a mild form of more persistent skin issues. For example, an individual with a predisposition to rosacea might notice temporary flushing before the condition becomes more chronic. Similarly, reactions to new skincare products might first manifest as brief redness before evolving into a more extended allergic reaction.

Understanding the cause and context of temporary redness is essential. While it often fades on its own, persistent episodes or those with additional symptoms might require a deeper look.

Persistent Redness

Persistent redness, unlike its temporary counterpart, is characterised by its longevity and often more intense appearance. It’s not merely a fleeting blush but rather a chronic condition of the skin that might hint at underlying health issues.

Conditions like rosacea are prime examples. Often starting as periodic flushing, rosacea can evolve into persistent redness, especially on the face, accompanied by visible blood vessels and, at times, pimple-like bumps. Eczema, another skin ailment, can result in chronically red, inflamed patches that may itch or even ooze. Persistent redness can also stem from long-term sun damage, known as actinic keratosis, leading to red scaly spots on the skin.

What’s crucial to note is that this redness isn't just about aesthetics. Chronic skin redness can lead to discomfort, itching, burning, or even pain. Moreover, the psychological toll of dealing with persistent redness can be profound, leading to self-esteem issues and social anxiety.

Management and treatment for persistent redness demand a comprehensive approach. Identifying the cause, whether it’s an inherent skin condition, external damage, or even internal factors like hormones, is the first step toward effective management.

Reactive Redness

Reactive redness is a dramatic, often immediate response of the skin to a specific trigger. The skin doesn't just turn red; it becomes inflamed, and the sensation can range from mild tingling to intense burning or itching.

Allergic reactions are the most common culprits behind reactive redness. Whether it’s a new skincare product, a food allergen, or even insect bites, the skin can react with pronounced redness. In some cases, hives or welts might accompany this redness, indicating a more severe allergic response.

Another form of reactive redness is contact dermatitis, where the skin becomes inflamed after coming into contact with a specific irritant. This can be anything from detergents and soaps to certain metals in jewellery. The skin's response is swift and can be quite severe, with the affected area becoming not just red but also swollen or blistered.

Quick intervention is paramount with reactive redness. Whether it's removing the allergen, applying soothing topicals, or seeking medical attention in severe cases, timely action can prevent complications and hasten recovery. Given the potential severity of this redness type, individuals should be aware of their known triggers and exercise caution.

Redness Treatments

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels have long been revered in the world of dermatology and aesthetic treatments as a potent solution to a host of skin concerns, redness being one among them. At its core, a chemical peel involves the strategic application of a chemical solution to the skin, leading to its controlled exfoliation. As the treated skin sheds, it paves the way for new, rejuvenated skin to emerge, often with a significant reduction in redness and other blemishes.

The allure of chemical peels in treating redness lies in their versatility. Depending on the depth and severity of the redness, different kinds of peels, ranging from superficial to deep, can be employed. Mild peels, often imbued with ingredients like glycolic or lactic acid, are adept at addressing superficial redness. They gently rid the skin of its outermost layer, curbing inflammation and paving the path for regenerative processes. Their gentleness ensures minimal downtime, making them suitable even for those with tight schedules or apprehensive about intensive treatments.

On the other end of the spectrum are the medium to deep peels. These peels, characterised by stronger acids and solutions, delve deeper into the skin, targeting persistent or more severe redness. Their mode of action is more profound, addressing not just the superficial layers but also the underlying causes of redness. While they offer more pronounced results, it's imperative to note that they also come with more significant downtime. The skin may appear reddened, similar to a sunburn, and might peel over several days, revealing the fresh layer beneath.

Post-procedure care after undergoing a chemical peel becomes of paramount importance. The newly revealed skin is sensitive, requiring protection from the sun and other environmental factors. Regular use of a broad-spectrum sunscreen, coupled with moisturisers to maintain skin hydration, becomes essential. Furthermore, it's not uncommon for individuals to experience transient side effects post-peel, such as mild scaling, redness, or dryness. However, with diligent care and adherence to post-treatment guidelines, these effects remain temporary and pave the way for revitalised, radiant skin.

In the realm of chemical peels, one size certainly doesn't fit all. The choice of the peel, its strength, and even the duration it remains on the skin should be tailor-made for each individual, keeping in mind their unique skin type, the severity of the redness, and their desired outcome. This underscores the importance of consulting with a seasoned dermatologist or skin care professional. Their expertise ensures that the most suitable peel is selected, leading to optimal results while minimising potential complications.

In summation, while redness might seem like a persistent challenge, the advent and evolution of treatments like chemical peels provide a beacon of hope. With their ability to rejuvenate and transform the skin, they stand as a testament to the advancements in aesthetic medicine. However, as with all treatments, understanding, consultation, and careful post-treatment care are the keys to unlocking their full potential.

About Our Clinic

Located in the heart of Ascot, Bicester, and London, the SRGN Clinic exemplifies afusion of cutting-edge science, unparalleled skill, and an unwavering commitment to patient care. The clinic stands as a beacon of excellence in thefield of aesthetic and plastic surgery.

Leading the team at SRGN is Dr. Ayad Harb, a renowned plastic surgeon and aesthetic trainer. His expertise, honed by years of experience and a genuine passion for improving lives, defines the very core of the clinic's ethos. Dr. Harb's innovative techniques, combined with an artistic eye for detail, enable him to deliver consistently exceptional results that are tailored to each patient's individual needs and desires.

At SRGN, we believe in the transformative power of aesthetic and plastic surgery. Our treatments, ranging from non-invasive procedures to complex surgical interventions, are designed to enhance and accentuate your natural beauty. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment where you can discuss your aesthetic goals openly, and together we create a treatment plan that brings these goals to life.

Every member of the SRGN team shares a deep commitment to patient care. We prioritise your comfort, safety, and satisfaction from the moment you step into our clinic. Each of our facilities mirrors the luxury and tranquility of their surroundings, offering a serene space where you can embark on your journey to self-improvement.

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