Surgeon-Led Specialist Clinic

Led by plastic surgeon Dr. Ayad Harb, we pride ourselves on the standard of care, quality and safety of our treatments.

Central Clinic Locations

SRGN has three state of the art clinic locations in Central London, Bicester & Ascot.

Care Quality Commission

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GMC Registered Surgeons

All of our surgeons are registered with the General Medical Council.



Skin Laxity and Wrinkles

Medically Reviewed April 2023, by Dr. Ayad Harb, one of the world's leading plastic surgeons

About Skin Laxity and Wrinkles:

The journey of life brings with it many experiences, memories, and physical changes. Among the most notable physical transformations is the skin's evolving appearance. As the years go by, the skin’s inherent lustre and suppleness tend to diminish, giving rise to two primary concerns: skin laxity and wrinkles. Both of these conditions, although interrelated, have distinct underlying causes and manifestations, and they often represent the most tangible signs of the ageing process.

Skin laxity, or the loss of skin firmness, can be thought of as a sagging or drooping of the skin. This occurs due to changes in the structural components of the skin. At the heart of these changes are collagen and elastin, two proteins responsible for the skin's elasticity and resilience. When we're young, our skin is abundant with these proteins, allowing it to bounce back easily and remain firm. However, as we age, the production of collagen and elastin naturally declines. This reduced production results in the skin losing its once taut, smooth appearance, leading to drooping and sagging in various areas.

Wrinkles, on the other hand, are visible lines and creases that develop on the skin. While they too are influenced by the reduced production of collagen and elastin, other factors come into play. For one, as we age, the skin's natural hydration levels and oil production decline, causing it to become drier. Dry skin is inherently more susceptible to the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Moreover, over time, the repetitive facial movements we make – be it from laughing, frowning, squinting, or even talking – lead to what are termed 'dynamic wrinkles.' These are the lines that appear as a result of frequent muscle movement beneath the skin.

Further complicating the skin's ageing process are external factors. Extended exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun, for instance, can damage the skin profoundly. The sun's rays have the ability to break down the collagen structure within our skin, impeding the natural synthesis of new collagen. This accelerates the appearance of wrinkles and promotes skin sagging. Similarly, environmental pollutants, toxins, and even certain lifestyle choices like smoking can exacerbate the ageing process, leading to premature skin laxity and wrinkle formation.

However, it's essential to understand that ageing isn't the sole culprit behind skin laxity. Other factors can also contribute to a loss of skin tightness before one reaches their later years. Significant weight loss, for instance, can result in loose skin, especially if the weight loss was rapid. Pregnancy, with its massive expansion and contraction of the skin, can also result in skin laxity post-childbirth. There are also medical conditions and treatments that can lead to changes in the skin's elasticity and appearance.

Although wrinkles and skin laxity are natural parts of the aging journey, they often hold more significance than just being visual markers of age. For many, these changes can lead to a reduced sense of self-worth and confidence. This emotional and psychological impact, stemming from altered self-perception and concerns about societal perception, has propelled many to seek interventions and treatments. The quest is often for more than just a youthful appearance; it's a search for renewed confidence, self-assurance, and a reflection that feels more aligned with one's inner self.


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Types of Skin Laxity and Wrinkles

Smooth Texture

The epitome of youthful vitality, a smooth skin texture is often viewed as the pinnacle of skin health. This type of skin feels soft, almost velvety to the touch, reflecting light uniformly to exude a natural luminescence. At a microscopic level, smooth skin is characterised by a well-balanced distribution of collagen and elastin fibres, ensuring elasticity and firmness. It also implies well-maintained hydration levels, ensuring the skin is plump and radiant. Achieving and maintaining smooth skin requires a combination of factors, from genetics to daily skincare routines. Protection from UV radiation, regular hydration, and a balanced diet can significantly contribute to retaining or achieving this texture.

Rough Texture

As the antithesis to the smooth skin texture, rough skin can be a concern for many. It feels coarse, sometimes even flaky, and lacks the radiance associated with healthier skin. Multiple factors contribute to a rough texture. Prolonged exposure to harsh environments, lack of moisture, and irregular exfoliation can lead to a build-up of dead skin cells on the surface. Additionally, age plays a role; as our natural cell turnover rate decreases, the skin struggles to shed dead cells, leading to patches of unevenness. Addressing rough skin often requires a multifaceted approach, from increasing hydration to introducing regular exfoliation routines.

Bumpy Texture

Distinct from rough texture, a bumpy skin texture consists of raised spots that aren't necessarily tied to acne or breakouts. Such a texture can be a result of skin conditions like keratosis pilaris, where keratin accumulates in hair follicles, causing tiny bumps. Allergic reactions, milia, or even prolonged sun damage can also result in a bumpy texture. This type of skin texture can be more challenging to address since the underlying causes vary widely. Proper diagnosis, often involving dermatological consultation, is pivotal in determining the best course of action.

Enlarged Pores

Particularly evident in the T-zone, enlarged pores can create an illusion of uneven skin texture. While pores are essential for skin health, serving as conduits for sebum and sweat, their enlarged appearance can be a cosmetic concern. Factors such as genetics play a role in pore size. However, excessive sebum production, decreased skin elasticity with age, and accumulation of dirt can make them appear larger. Targeted treatments, regular cleansing, and using non-comedogenic products can help in minimising the appearance of enlarged pores.

Combination Texture

Reflecting the complexities of human skin, many individuals don’t fit neatly into one category. They experience a combination texture, where parts of the face, like the cheeks, may be dry while the T-zone is oily. Balancing the needs of both skin types requires a nuanced skincare approach. The key is understanding the distinct needs of different facial regions and customising care routines accordingly. Such skin often benefits from targeted treatments, ensuring each area receives the attention it warrants.

Skin Texture Treatments

Skin Texture Treatments

Achieving the desired skin texture requires more than just a dedicated skincare routine; it often involves leveraging advanced treatments that target specific concerns at a deeper, cellular level. At SRGN, we pride ourselves on offering cutting-edge solutions, each tailored to the unique needs of our clients.

PRP for Skin is one of the most innovative treatments we offer. Standing for Platelet-Rich Plasma, PRP therapy harnesses the power of the patient's blood. After extracting a small sample, the blood is processed to concentrate the platelets, which are then reintroduced into the skin. The essence of this treatment lies in its ability to boost collagen production naturally, leading to a marked improvement in skin texture and tone. What makes PRP stand out is its organic nature; by using the patient's plasma, we eliminate the risks associated with foreign substances. This method ensures a rejuvenating process that capitalises on the body's innate healing mechanisms.

Our ZO Advanced Facial is another cornerstone of our treatment portfolio. This facial goes beyond the surface, targeting concerns such as uneven skin texture, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines. By utilising products from the esteemed ZO Skin Health range, this treatment not only addresses surface irregularities but also rejuvenates the skin from within. The result? A complexion that feels renewed and looks radiant, reflecting the synergy of science and skincare.

The quest for radiant skin often leads clients to our Hydrafacial treatment. Hydrafacial is a comprehensive multi-step procedure that promises and delivers instant results. It begins by cleansing the skin, followed by exfoliation to slough away dead skin cells. Next, extraction ensures clogged pores are cleared, and the process concludes with hydration, infusing the skin with moisture and vital nutrients. The beauty of a Hydrafacial lies in its universality; it's suited for almost every skin type and addresses a plethora of concerns from enlarged pores to fine lines.

Morpheus8 takes microneedling to the next level by introducing radiofrequency energy. The procedure involves tiny needles that penetrate the skin, delivering radiofrequency energy to its deeper layers. The heat generated stimulates collagen production, working wonders on concerns like sagging skin, fine lines, and acne scars. Morpheus8 is especially renowned for its ability to provide a smoother, more youthful appearance without the invasiveness of traditional surgical procedures.

Last but not least, we have Chemical Peels, a time-tested treatment that has retained its relevance even in the face of newer innovations. By applying a tailored chemical solution to the skin, we cause the outermost layer to shed. This controlled removal promotes the growth of a new layer, one that is smoother, less wrinkled, and more radiant. The depth and intensity of the peel can be adjusted based on individual concerns and desired results.

At SRGN, we understand that each individual's skin is a unique canvas, with its set of challenges and aspirations. Our suite of treatments is designed to cater to this diversity, ensuring that everyone can find a solution that brings them closer to their skin goals.

About Our Clinic

Located in the heart of Ascot, Bicester, and London, the SRGN Clinic exemplifies afusion of cutting-edge science, unparalleled skill, and an unwavering commitment to patient care. The clinic stands as a beacon of excellence in thefield of aesthetic and plastic surgery.

Leading the team at SRGN is Dr. Ayad Harb, a renowned plastic surgeon and aesthetic trainer. His expertise, honed by years of experience and a genuine passion for improving lives, defines the very core of the clinic's ethos. Dr. Harb's innovative techniques, combined with an artistic eye for detail, enable him to deliver consistently exceptional results that are tailored to each patient's individual needs and desires.

At SRGN, we believe in the transformative power of aesthetic and plastic surgery. Our treatments, ranging from non-invasive procedures to complex surgical interventions, are designed to enhance and accentuate your natural beauty. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment where you can discuss your aesthetic goals openly, and together we create a treatment plan that brings these goals to life.

Every member of the SRGN team shares a deep commitment to patient care. We prioritise your comfort, safety, and satisfaction from the moment you step into our clinic. Each of our facilities mirrors the luxury and tranquility of their surroundings, offering a serene space where you can embark on your journey to self-improvement.

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