Surgeon-Led Specialist Clinic

Led by plastic surgeon Dr. Ayad Harb, we pride ourselves on the standard of care, quality and safety of our treatments.

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GMC Registered Surgeons

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Fat Transfer

What is Fat Transfer?

Fat transfer, often encapsulated within the sphere of aesthetic and plastic surgery, has emerged as an epitome of individualised treatment. By dexterously harnessing the inherent resources of one's own body, it aligns perfectly with the evolving paradigm of bespoke enhancements that prioritise both functionality and aesthetics.

Delving into the mechanics of the procedure, fat transfer unfolds in a meticulously phased manner. It commences with the extraction of adipose cells—commonly referred to as fat cells—from regions that harbour excess fat. This may encompass areas like the abdomen, thighs, or even the flanks. The rationale behind targeting these regions isn't solely predicated on their propensity to accumulate fat, but also on the quality and longevity of fat they tend to harbour. Once procured, this fat undergoes a rigorous purification process. This step is paramount as it ensures that only the healthiest fat cells are retained, thereby amplifying the efficacy and sustainability of the subsequent transfer.

Post purification, the stage is set for the actual transfer. Here, the previously extracted and now purified fat cells are meticulously injected into areas that are perceived to be deficient in volume or require contouring. This might span a spectrum of regions from the face, craving youthful fullness, to the breasts and buttocks, yearning for augmentation. This intricate procedure isn't merely about infusing volume but ensuring that the augmentation is harmoniously congruent with the patient's overall physique.

The dual benefits offered by this procedure are both palpable and subtle. On the overt front, it proffers a noticeable reduction in undesired fat from certain areas, while simultaneously enhancing others. On a more nuanced level, since the fat utilised is autologous (sourced from the patient's own body), the chances of allergic reactions or rejections are profoundly diminished. This is a noteworthy distinction from procedures that employ synthetic fillers or implants, which, albeit effective, do come with a distinct set of risks and complications.

Furthermore, the integration of the transferred fat with the surrounding tissue is nothing short of organic alchemy. As these cells find solace in their new environments, they blend seamlessly, creating results that are soft, natural, and in perfect harmony with the individual's inherent anatomy. This natural merger is what often makes discerning the treated from the untreated areas a challenge, even for the trained eye.

One of the overarching merits of fat transfer, which often goes underappreciated, is the longevity it promises. It's not unusual for patients to be acquainted with the initial absorption of some fat post the transfer. While this is a physiological response and varies from individual to individual, it's crucial to emphasise that a significant portion of the grafted fat tends to remain. This persistence of the transferred fat cells, along with their integration, means that the results are not ephemeral but endure over time. Compared to several other fillers that might necessitate periodic touch-ups, fat transfer stands out by offering a more sustainable solution.

In the grand tapestry of aesthetic enhancements, fat transfer stands as a testament to how far we've come. Its ability to marry the principles of subtraction and addition, all the while leveraging the body's innate resources, makes it a procedure that resonates with both surgeons and those seeking to augment their physicality. Yet, as with all medical procedures, the prowess of the surgeon remains paramount. Their skill determines not only the immediate outcomes but also how these enhancements age with time. It's this blend of art and science, anatomy and aesthetics, that makes fat transfer a revered choice for many.

At a glance

Treatment Time

1-3 hours, depending on the areas being treated.


Immediate, but with caution.

Hospital Stay

Outpatient (for smaller procedures); 1 night for more extensive procedures.

Full Recovery

2-3 weeks.

Time off work

5-10 days, based on the area treated and job type.


48 hours.


2-3 weeks, depending on the treated area.


Once off pain medications, typically within 2-5 days.

Benefits of the treatment

In the constantly evolving landscape of aesthetic treatments, fat transfer emerges as a beacon of authentic enhancement. This innovative procedure captivates attention not merely due to its transformative results but also due to the holistic benefits it brings to the table.

One of the foremost merits of fat transfer lies in its innate ability to yield genuinely natural results. As the texture and feel of the transferred fat closely mirror that of the body's native tissue, the ensuing result is undeniably organic. Patients often find that the treated areas don't just look natural, but they feel natural to the touch as well. This tactile and visual authenticity sets fat transfer apart from many other procedures that might struggle to replicate the body's unique nuances.

Moreover, the procedure exudes a certain elegance in its dual-action approach. On the one hand, it curtails unwanted fat reservoirs, sculpting areas that might have been resistant to diet and exercise. On the other hand, it elevates and revitalises regions that could benefit from added volume, crafting a silhouette that aligns with the patient's aspirations. This dual action is akin to achieving two aesthetic goals with one treatment, optimising both reduction and rejuvenation.

In the broader spectrum of aesthetic procedures, the safety profile of a treatment plays an instrumental role in its appeal. Fat transfer excels remarkably on this front. Given that the procedure harnesses fat from the patient's own body, it substantially mitigates the risks associated with allergic reactions. This is in stark contrast to treatments using foreign materials, which, while effective, might present a higher risk of complications.

Yet another commendable aspect of fat transfer is its durability. The longevity of results derived from fat transfer often outpaces those from synthetic fillers. While it's true that the body may absorb a fraction of the transferred fat initially, a significant portion finds permanence, granting patients the luxury of long-lasting enhancements. This endurance means fewer interventions over time, translating to both financial and time savings for the patient.

The benefits of fat transfer are manifold. From its capacity to deliver naturally harmonious results to its impressive safety and durability metrics, it stands as a testimony to the confluence of medical innovation and aesthetic artistry. For those seeking a comprehensive solution that addresses multiple concerns while remaining rooted in authenticity, fat transfer emerges as a compelling choice.

Will The Results Of Fat Transfer Look And Feel Natural?

Undoubtedly, the allure of fat transfer rests in its inherent promise of authenticity. When we discuss the nature of results, there are two dimensions to consider: appearance and feel. In terms of appearance, fat transfer yields results that harmonise seamlessly with an individual's unique physique. Given that the fat is sourced from the patient's own body, it retains the same texture and lustre as the surrounding tissues, ensuring an indistinguishable blend. Now, in terms of feel, fat transfer excels again. The tactile sensation post-procedure is often reported by patients as being identical to untreated areas. This is predominantly because the transferred fat integrates with the host tissue, thereby ensuring a uniformity of feel. This dual congruence in look and feel renders fat transfer as one of the most organic and holistic aesthetic procedures available.

How Long Do The Results Last?

The longevity of fat transfer outcomes stands as one of its crowning attributes. Upon undergoing the procedure, it's typical for the body to initially absorb a certain fraction of the transferred fat. This is a natural physiological response, and the exact proportion absorbed can vary across individuals. However, post this initial phase, a substantial portion of the transferred fat tends to stabilise and integrate with the host tissue. The enduring nature of this integrated fat grants patients results that can span several years. It's worth noting that lifestyle factors, significant weight fluctuations, and individual metabolic rates might influence the exact duration of results. Nevertheless, when compared to other temporary fillers that necessitate periodic touch-ups, fat transfer offers a more sustainable and lasting solution.

Are There Risks Associated With Fat Transfer?

Like every surgical intervention, fat transfer comes with its set of inherent risks. The procedure, while predominantly safe, can occasionally manifest complications like infection, minor bleeding, or temporary numbness. Additionally, there might be concerns related to asymmetry, where one side doesn't perfectly mirror the other, or overfilling, where an excessive amount of fat might be transferred. However, these concerns are generally rare and can be minimised significantly by selecting an experienced and reputable surgeon. An adept surgeon will not only ensure a meticulous procedure but also preempt potential complications by tailoring the procedure to an individual's unique anatomy and requirements.

Can Fat Transfer Be Combined With Other Procedures?

Fat transfer is a versatile procedure and often finds itself as a valuable adjunct to other aesthetic treatments. Its compatibility stems from its natural basis, making it a favourable complement to procedures like facelifts, tummy tucks, or even breast augmentations. By combining fat transfer with other interventions, surgeons can optimise results, ensuring both volume enhancement and contouring. This integrative approach allows for a comprehensive transformation, addressing a multitude of concerns in a single or phased treatment regimen. Patients considering a combined approach should discuss their goals with their surgeon to curate a personalised treatment plan.

Will There Be Scars After The Procedure?

Scarring is a natural byproduct of any procedure that involves incisions. With fat transfer, the incisions made for both extraction and injection are strategically small, ensuring minimal scarring. Over time, with proper care and the body's natural healing mechanisms, these scars tend to fade and become less noticeable. Their inconspicuous nature, coupled with their placement in areas that are easily concealed, makes them almost imperceptible to the casual observer. Patients can further enhance scar healing by adhering to post-procedure care guidelines and considering treatments that support scar reduction if necessary.

About Our Clinic

Located in the heart of Ascot, Bicester, and London, the SRGN Clinic exemplifies afusion of cutting-edge science, unparalleled skill, and an unwavering commitment to patient care. The clinic stands as a beacon of excellence in thefield of aesthetic and plastic surgery.

Leading the team at SRGN is Dr. Ayad Harb, a renowned plastic surgeon and aesthetic trainer. His expertise, honed by years of experience and a genuine passion for improving lives, defines the very core of the clinic's ethos. Dr. Harb's innovative techniques, combined with an artistic eye for detail, enable him to deliver consistently exceptional results that are tailored to each patient's individual needs and desires.

At SRGN, we believe in the transformative power of aesthetic and plastic surgery. Our treatments, ranging from non-invasive procedures to complex surgical interventions, are designed to enhance and accentuate your natural beauty. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment where you can discuss your aesthetic goals openly, and together we create a treatment plan that brings these goals to life.

Every member of the SRGN team shares a deep commitment to patient care. We prioritise your comfort, safety, and satisfaction from the moment you step into our clinic. Each of our facilities mirrors the luxury and tranquility of their surroundings, offering a serene space where you can embark on your journey to self-improvement.

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