Surgeon-Led Specialist Clinic

Led by plastic surgeon Dr. Ayad Harb, we pride ourselves on the standard of care, quality and safety of our treatments.

Central Clinic Locations

SRGN has three state of the art clinic locations in Central London, Bicester & Ascot.

Care Quality Commission

We're regulated by the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

GMC Registered Surgeons

All of our surgeons are registered with the General Medical Council.



Laser Tattoo Removal

What is Laser Tattoo Removal? 

Laser Tattoo Removal represents one of the most significant advances in aesthetic procedures. It harnesses the power of laser technology to provide an effective and safe means of reducing or completely eradicating unwanted tattoos. Let's delve deeper into how this revolutionary procedure operates.

At its core, the process is a marvel of modern technology. When the laser's light beam is directed at the tattoo, it focuses on the ink particles, breaking them down into microscopic fragments. The beauty of this method is in its precision. The laser doesn't spread its energy chaotically. Instead, it pinpoints the ink with incredible accuracy, ensuring that the surrounding skin remains largely unaffected. This targeted approach reduces the risk of tissue damage and ensures a more comfortable experience for the patient.

Once the ink particles are fragmented by the laser, the body's natural cleansing mechanisms come into play. Over time, the body's immune system will process and eliminate these tiny particles. This gradual removal ensures that the skin maintains its integrity, reducing the chances of scarring or other complications.

The efficacy of this method varies based on several factors: the depth of the ink, its color, the type of ink used, and even the age of the tattoo. For instance, deeper inks or those colors that don't absorb light as efficiently may require more sessions. Moreover, the body's responsiveness plays a role, too. Some individuals might witness significant fading after a few sessions, while others may need a more extended treatment plan to achieve the desired results.

Furthermore, the sensation experienced during this procedure is subjective. Most individuals describe it as a series of rapid snaps, akin to the feeling of a rubber band striking the skin. We understand that comfort is paramount, and therefore, depending on the patient's pain threshold and the tattoo's size and location, topical anesthetics might be applied to numb the area, making the process more bearable.

A noteworthy aspect of Laser Tattoo Removal is its adaptability. Different tattoos require distinct approaches. Thanks to the advancements in laser technology, the wavelengths can be adjusted to suit the color and depth of the tattoo. This customization ensures that whether you have a vibrant, colorful piece or a simpler, monochromatic design, our treatment can be tailored to address your specific needs.

After each session, it's crucial to allow the skin adequate healing time. Multiple sessions are typically spaced weeks apart. This interval not only lets the skin recover but also gives the body sufficient time to process and flush out the fragmented ink particles. Adhering to this schedule and following post-procedure care recommendations can significantly enhance the overall outcome.

Laser Tattoo Removal at SRGN isn't merely a cosmetic procedure; it's a journey of transformation. Whether it's a step towards reclaiming one's skin, a venture into new beginnings, or a stride into embracing change, we're here to ensure that this journey is embarked upon with the utmost care, professionalism, and dedication.

At a glance

Treatment Time

30-60 minutes (varies based on tattoo size and complexity)



Hospital Stay

Not required

Full Recovery

1 week

Time off work

Usually not required, but depends on tattoo location


24 hours (Avoid direct water pressure on treated area)


1 week



Benefits of the treatment

Laser Tattoo Removal offers an array of compelling benefits that reach beyond the mere fading or elimination of ink. At the heart of these advantages is the precision and safety assured by the advanced laser technology. Unlike some traditional methods, which might be invasive or result in undesirable outcomes, the laser targets only the ink particles, thereby sparing surrounding tissues. This pinpoint accuracy minimizes the risk to the skin, positioning the laser method as one of the safest tattoo removal techniques available today.

Adapting to individual needs is another stellar feature of this procedure. Every tattoo is a unique blend of colors, designs, and depths. Recognizing this diversity, the laser systems can be adjusted and calibrated to treat various ink shades effectively. Whether it's the darkest black or the most vibrant colors, the laser's customization ensures that each hue is addressed with utmost efficiency. This personalized approach guarantees that the removal process is comprehensive and tailored to the tattoo's specific characteristics.

Boosting one's self-confidence is an often underemphasized but vital benefit of the process. Tattoos, while beautiful, can sometimes become a source of regret or dissatisfaction. It might be a design that no longer aligns with one's current self or perhaps a remnant of a past phase. Removing or fading such tattoos can provide a significant psychological uplift. It allows individuals to regain control over their appearance and, in many cases, close chapters they no longer wish to be reminded of.

The non-invasive nature of the laser removal method further adds to its list of advantages. Where surgical removal methods come with the potential risks associated with surgeries – such as infections or extended healing periods – laser procedures sidestep these concerns. They offer a cleaner, less intrusive alternative, ensuring that the patient's overall health is never compromised.

For those who love the art of tattoos but wish to revamp or replace an old design, laser removal doesn't just erase; it prepares the canvas. By effectively fading older tattoos, it makes way for new ink, granting artists a clearer slate to work on. This aspect is particularly beneficial for those who wish to get a cover-up tattoo without the constraints of the underlying design.

The Laser Tattoo Removal procedure at SRGN is a confluence of science, art, and transformation. It promises not just impeccable results but also ensures the journey is comfortable, safe, and in line with each individual's unique needs.

Will The Tattoo Be Completely Gone After The Treatment?

The complete removal of a tattoo often depends on several intricate factors, including the tattoo's age, the depth of the ink, the colors used, and even the body's immune response. Typically, black ink is easier to remove than vibrant colors like green or blue. Additionally, older tattoos tend to fade more readily than newer ones. Another key factor is the type of ink used. Some inks, especially those used in professional tattoos, can be more stubborn than others. Furthermore, the body's capacity to eliminate the broken-down ink particles post-treatment plays a crucial role. While many tattoos experience significant fading, achieving a complete removal might require multiple sessions. However, it's essential to set realistic expectations: some tattoos might not disappear entirely but can be faded sufficiently for a cover-up or to become barely noticeable.

Is The Procedure Painful?

Perception of pain varies significantly among individuals. For many, the sensation of laser tattoo removal can be likened to that of a rubber band snapping against the skin. It's a rapid, pulsating sensation that some describe as mildly uncomfortable but tolerable. Factors like the tattoo's location, size, and the individual's general pain threshold can influence the experience. For instance, areas with thinner skin or closer to bones might feel more sensitive during the process. To optimize comfort, topical anesthetics or cooling devices can be applied before the treatment, helping numb the area and make the procedure more bearable. Post-treatment, any discomfort usually subsides relatively quickly, with many comparing it to mild sunburn.

Are There Any Side Effects?

As with most medical or aesthetic procedures, some side effects are associated with laser tattoo removal. Immediately post-treatment, it's common to observe redness, swelling, and a slight whitening of the treated area. Some individuals might experience blistering or scabbing as the skin heals. These symptoms are generally temporary and are the body's natural response to the laser and the breakdown of ink particles. It's paramount to follow post-treatment care guidelines provided by the practitioner, which typically include keeping the area clean, avoiding direct sun exposure, and refraining from picking at any scabs or blisters. By adhering to these recommendations, the chances of more severe side effects, like scarring or infections, are substantially minimized.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Determining the exact number of sessions required for optimal results is a tailored process. Professional tattoos, given their depth and the quality of ink used, usually demand anywhere from 6-12 sessions for significant fading or removal. On the other hand, amateur tattoos might necessitate fewer sessions due to less ink density and depth. Factors like the tattoo's colors, size, and the individual's skin type also play a role in this estimation. During the initial consultation, a comprehensive assessment of the tattoo will be conducted, which will provide a more accurate prediction of the number of sessions needed. It's also crucial to maintain a gap of several weeks between sessions, allowing the skin to heal and the body to process and eliminate the fragmented ink particles.

What Is The Cost Of Laser Tattoo Removal?

The cost of laser tattoo removal is a culmination of various factors. Primarily, it's influenced by the tattoo's size, colors, and complexity. Larger tattoos or those with multiple colors will usually be more expensive to treat than smaller, monochromatic ones. Additionally, the type of laser technology used, the clinic's location, and the expertise of the practitioner can all contribute to the overall pricing. As multiple sessions are often necessary for optimal results, costs can accumulate over time. During an initial consultation, a thorough assessment will be done, and a more specific estimate can be provided based on the individual's unique needs and the tattoo's characteristics.

About Our Clinic

Located in the heart of Ascot, Bicester, and London, the SRGN Clinic exemplifies afusion of cutting-edge science, unparalleled skill, and an unwavering commitment to patient care. The clinic stands as a beacon of excellence in thefield of aesthetic and plastic surgery.

Leading the team at SRGN is Dr. Ayad Harb, a renowned plastic surgeon and aesthetic trainer. His expertise, honed by years of experience and a genuine passion for improving lives, defines the very core of the clinic's ethos. Dr. Harb's innovative techniques, combined with an artistic eye for detail, enable him to deliver consistently exceptional results that are tailored to each patient's individual needs and desires.

At SRGN, we believe in the transformative power of aesthetic and plastic surgery. Our treatments, ranging from non-invasive procedures to complex surgical interventions, are designed to enhance and accentuate your natural beauty. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment where you can discuss your aesthetic goals openly, and together we create a treatment plan that brings these goals to life.

Every member of the SRGN team shares a deep commitment to patient care. We prioritise your comfort, safety, and satisfaction from the moment you step into our clinic. Each of our facilities mirrors the luxury and tranquility of their surroundings, offering a serene space where you can embark on your journey to self-improvement.

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