Surgeon-Led Specialist Clinic

Led by plastic surgeon Dr. Ayad Harb, we pride ourselves on the standard of care, quality and safety of our treatments.

Central Clinic Locations

SRGN has three state of the art clinic locations in Central London, Bicester & Ascot.

Care Quality Commission

We're regulated by the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

GMC Registered Surgeons

All of our surgeons are registered with the General Medical Council.



Lip Lift

What is Lip Lift?

A lip lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure that targets the area around the mouth to enhance the appearance of the lips. This treatment aims to increase the prominence of the vermilion border (the outline of the lips) and reduce the distance between the nose and the upper lip, creating a more youthful and aesthetically appealing appearance.

Over time, aging and environmental factors may cause the upper lip to elongate and thin, concealing the upper teeth and diminishing the overall facial harmony. A lip lift works to counteract these changes, restoring balance and accentuating the natural beauty of the lips.

At SRGN, the lip lift procedure begins with an in-depth consultation with one of our skilled surgeons. During this initial meeting, we assess your unique facial structure, listen to your concerns and desires, and formulate a personalized treatment plan. Our patient-centric approach ensures that we address your specific needs and work towards achieving the results you envision.

The actual surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia, which minimizes discomfort and allows for a swift recovery. The incisions are carefully placed in the natural creases beneath the nose to ensure minimal scarring. By removing a small strip of skin and tissue, our skilled surgeons are able to lift and reshape the upper lip, enhancing its fullness and definition.

The lip lift procedure at SRGN offers immediate results. As the initial swelling subsides, the transformation becomes more apparent, revealing a rejuvenated and more expressive smile. The final result is a subtle yet significant enhancement that complements the entire face.

Recovery is an essential aspect of the lip lift experience, and our team is committed to supporting you through every stage of healing. Most patients find that they can return to work and normal daily activities within a week, with full recovery achieved in 1-2 weeks.

One of the key advantages of a lip lift over temporary fillers is its permanence. The results are long-lasting and provide a natural enhancement without the need for ongoing maintenance. However, we encourage healthy lifestyle choices and skincare practices to preserve and protect the results of the procedure.

At SRGN, we pride ourselves on our dedication to excellence, patient safety, and satisfaction. Our team of experienced surgeons utilizes advanced techniques and adheres to the highest standards of care. With a focus on individuality and natural beauty, we strive to provide a lip lift that reflects your unique personality and enhances your overall appearance.

The decision to undergo a lip lift is deeply personal and requires thoughtful consideration. We invite you to schedule a consultation at SRGN, where we can discuss your goals, answer any questions, and embark on a journey towards a more confident and radiant you.

At a glance

Treatment Time

60-90 minutes



Hospital Stay

Outpatient procedure

Full Recovery

1-2 weeks

Time off work

3-7 days


48 hours


2 weeks


48 hours

Benefits of the treatment

A lip lift at SRGN provides a remarkable and lasting transformation, particularly crafted to accentuate the inherent charm of your lips and enhance your overall facial aesthetics. Unlike temporary fillers, this procedure offers a natural-looking enhancement, altering the underlying structure to emphasize your lips' inherent beauty without creating an artificial appearance. It revives the youthful appearance that may have been lost with age, as the distance between the nose and upper lip has increased, making the lips appear thin and aged. The lip lift reverses this trend by shortening the philtrum, enhancing the curvature of the lips, and unveiling a more youthful, vivacious smile.

One of the most profound impacts of a lip lift is the creation of a more engaging and expressive smile by lifting the upper lip, allowing more of the upper teeth to become visible. This subtle yet significant change can deeply affect your overall appearance and self-confidence.

The individualized results offered by our experienced surgeons at SRGN ensure alignment with your aesthetic desires, creating a personalized treatment plan that complements your natural beauty. The expert surgical techniques employed ensure minimal scarring, with incisions placed discreetly to draw no unwanted attention.

The benefits of a lip lift extend to a quick recovery process, typically allowing most patients to return to their daily routine within a week. The procedure can be complementary to other facial surgeries such as rhinoplasty or a facelift, creating a comprehensive and cohesive approach to facial rejuvenation. This process not only physically transforms the appearance but often leads to increased self-confidence, positively influencing various aspects of personal and professional life.

Unlike temporary solutions demanding continual upkeep, a lip lift offers permanent results, allowing the enhanced appearance of your lips to last, providing enjoyment for years to come. This permanence paired with the safety, expertise, and dedication of the SRGN team ensures an unparalleled patient experience. We adhere to the highest standards of medical practice and patient care, working collaboratively to ensure your comfort and satisfaction throughout the entire journey.

A lip lift at SRGN is an investment in yourself, an embrace of renewed self-confidence, natural beauty, and a radiant appearance that truly reflects who you are. It's not merely a cosmetic alteration; it's a pathway to rediscovering your best self, illuminated by the transformative power of advanced aesthetic surgery. We warmly invite you to explore this opportunity at our state-of-the-art clinic, where your dreams and aesthetic aspirations become a beautiful reality.

Is A Lip Lift Painful?

A lip lift at SRGN is performed under local anesthesia, minimizing discomfort during the procedure. Post-operative pain is typically mild and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers or prescribed medications. Our experienced team will provide clear instructions for pain management during your recovery. We are dedicated to ensuring your comfort throughout the process, from the initial consultation through to the final follow-up. Your well-being is our priority, and we strive to create a seamless and virtually pain-free experience for every patient.

What Is The Downtime For A Lip Lift?

The downtime for a lip lift is generally minimal. Most patients return to work and daily activities within a week, following specific post-operative care instructions to ensure optimal healing. Full recovery is usually achieved in 1-2 weeks. Our team will provide personalized guidelines and ongoing support to help you navigate the recovery process. We focus on achieving a smooth recovery, allowing you to enjoy your enhanced appearance as quickly and safely as possible.

Will There Be Noticeable Scarring?

Our surgeons employ techniques to minimize and conceal scarring. Incisions are made beneath the nose, where scars are usually hidden. We also offer guidance on post-operative scar care to further reduce visibility. Scarring varies among individuals, but our careful approach ensures that any scars are subtle and often virtually unnoticeable. Your satisfaction with the aesthetic outcome, including the appearance of scars, is paramount to us at SRGN.

How Long Do The Results Last?

A lip lift provides permanent changes to the lips, offering a long-lasting solution. However, it's important to recognize that natural aging may still affect appearance over time. Our skilled surgeons will offer guidance on maintaining the results and can recommend practices and products to support lasting satisfaction. At SRGN, we aim to provide lasting transformations that continue to bring joy and confidence for years to come.

Can A Lip Lift Be Combined With Other Facial Surgeries?

Yes, a lip lift can be combined with other procedures, such as facelifts or rhinoplasty. The decision is personalized and carefully considered, taking into account your unique needs and goals. Our professional team at SRGN will work closely with you to design a comprehensive treatment plan that may include a combination of procedures to achieve your desired look. Your safety, satisfaction, and the harmony of your facial features guide our approach to planning and executing your transformative journey.

About Our Clinic

Located in the heart of Ascot, Bicester, and London, the SRGN Clinic exemplifies afusion of cutting-edge science, unparalleled skill, and an unwavering commitment to patient care. The clinic stands as a beacon of excellence in thefield of aesthetic and plastic surgery.

Leading the team at SRGN is Dr. Ayad Harb, a renowned plastic surgeon and aesthetic trainer. His expertise, honed by years of experience and a genuine passion for improving lives, defines the very core of the clinic's ethos. Dr. Harb's innovative techniques, combined with an artistic eye for detail, enable him to deliver consistently exceptional results that are tailored to each patient's individual needs and desires.

At SRGN, we believe in the transformative power of aesthetic and plastic surgery. Our treatments, ranging from non-invasive procedures to complex surgical interventions, are designed to enhance and accentuate your natural beauty. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment where you can discuss your aesthetic goals openly, and together we create a treatment plan that brings these goals to life.

Every member of the SRGN team shares a deep commitment to patient care. We prioritise your comfort, safety, and satisfaction from the moment you step into our clinic. Each of our facilities mirrors the luxury and tranquility of their surroundings, offering a serene space where you can embark on your journey to self-improvement.

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