Surgeon-Led Specialist Clinic

Led by plastic surgeon Dr. Ayad Harb, we pride ourselves on the standard of care, quality and safety of our treatments.

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Medically Reviewed April 2023, by Dr. Ayad Harb, one of the world's leading plastic surgeons

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a condition that manifests as a dimpled or lumpy appearance on the skin's surface, commonly affecting areas such as the thighs, buttocks, hips, and abdomen. This phenomenon occurs when underlying fat deposits begin to push through the connective tissue beneath the skin. Despite being a subject of cosmetic concern for many, cellulite is not a pathological condition but rather a natural variation in skin appearance. Its understanding requires a deep exploration of its structural cause, perception, occurrence across genders, and related misconceptions.

At the structural level, the skin is comprised of multiple layers. The outermost layer, or epidermis, is supported by the dermis, which contains fibrous connective tissues. Beneath the dermis lies the subcutaneous fat layer. In cellulite, the fat cells in this subcutaneous layer become engorged and begin to push against the connective tissue. This pressure against the connective tissue causes the skin's surface to become uneven, resulting in the characteristic dimpled appearance.

The perception of cellulite is often subject to cultural and social influences. Though it is entirely normal and occurs in the majority of post-pubescent females, it is frequently considered undesirable. Many societal standards of beauty do not include the appearance of cellulite, leading to various misconceptions about what cellulite signifies. It is essential to recognize that cellulite is neither a sign of obesity nor a result of an unhealthy lifestyle. People of all body types and weights can and do develop cellulite.

Cellulite is more common in women than in men. This gender disparity is largely attributed to differences in how fat, muscle, and connective tissue are distributed in men's and women's skin. The collagen fibers in women's skin are arranged in a manner that allows for more fatty tissue to push through, leading to the appearance of cellulite. In contrast, men's collagen fibers form a more net-like structure that restricts this bulging of fat cells.

A common misconception about cellulite is that it only occurs in individuals who are overweight or lead an inactive lifestyle. While these factors can exacerbate the appearance of cellulite, they are not the sole causes. Genetics, hormones, age, and other factors beyond one's control can influence whether cellulite develops. Even very lean and physically active individuals can experience cellulite, underscoring the fact that it is a natural skin variation rather than a sign of poor health.

The cosmetic industry has seen a plethora of products and treatments claiming to reduce or eliminate cellulite. From creams and massages to more advanced technological interventions, the market is flooded with solutions. However, the efficacy of these treatments varies widely, and no known cure or universally effective treatment exists. Most experts agree that a combination of healthy living practices along with professional medical treatments might offer the best results for those seeking to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Cellulite is also a subject of medical research. Many scientists and dermatologists are engaged in studying the underlying causes of cellulite to develop more effective treatments. Understanding the complex interplay of genetics, hormones, lifestyle, and other factors is a vital part of this research. The knowledge gained through this research not only contributes to better treatment options but also helps in destigmatizing cellulite, placing it within the normal variations of human skin appearance.

Cellulite is a common and often misunderstood skin condition. It is not a problem to be solved but rather a part of human skin's natural variation. Its occurrence is influenced by a complex set of factors including genetics, gender, age, and lifestyle. While treatment options exist for those who wish to alter the appearance of cellulite, it is crucial to approach it with a balanced perspective, recognizing it as a normal and widespread aspect of human skin rather than a flaw or defect. Understanding cellulite requires an appreciation of the structural, perceptual, and cultural dimensions that shape our views of this common skin feature.


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Types of Cellulite

Soft Cellulite

Soft cellulite, often recognized as spongy or gel-like to the touch, is typically associated with older age and generally appears in larger areas. Its manifestation tends to be more noticeable when the skin is pinched or during certain body movements. Unlike its harder counterpart, soft cellulite is not necessarily confined to tightly packed structures and can exhibit a fluctuating characteristic.

The presence of soft cellulite often goes hand in hand with a lack of muscle tone or skin elasticity. With age, both muscle mass and skin collagen decrease, leading to an increase in the appearance of soft cellulite. This can sometimes create an uneven skin surface that is more malleable to the touch.

This type of cellulite may be more pronounced in individuals who have experienced significant weight fluctuations. Weight gain can cause the fat cells to expand, and subsequent weight loss may not entirely reverse the expansion of connective tissues. This may leave a residual dimpling effect on the skin's surface.

Treatment for soft cellulite often focuses on improving skin elasticity and muscle tone through specific exercises and skin-firming treatments. Methods that stimulate collagen production can also be particularly beneficial.

Hard Cellulite:

Hard or solid cellulite is usually found in smaller and more localized areas. Unlike soft cellulite, it is firm to the touch and is often associated with younger individuals or those who are more physically active. It is also referred to as compact cellulite due to its firm nature.

The underlying cause of hard cellulite is somewhat different from soft cellulite. In this type, the fat cells are caught within a net of tightly packed collagen fibers. This structure resists the outward pressure of the fat cells, resulting in a more rigid appearance on the skin's surface.

Though it may seem contradictory, hard cellulite often appears in individuals with a healthier lifestyle, specifically in those who are more active and have more substantial muscle mass. The tight and toned muscles may cause the fat cells to be pushed against the skin's surface more firmly, thus creating a solid appearance.

Treatment of hard cellulite may require a different approach, focusing on breaking down the tightly packed structure. Techniques that employ mechanical manipulation or heat can be more effective in these cases.

Edematous Cellulite:

Edematous cellulite is the rarest form and is characterized by swelling or edema in the affected areas. It may create a sensation of heaviness or tightness in the limbs and often occurs in the legs.

The underlying cause of edematous cellulite is usually linked to circulatory conditions. Poor blood and lymphatic circulation can lead to fluid retention in the tissues, leading to the characteristic swelling associated with this type of cellulite.

Age may also be a factor in the development of edematous cellulite, as circulatory efficiency generally diminishes with age. Additionally, lifestyle factors like prolonged standing or sitting, tight clothing, and high salt intake can contribute to poor circulation and, consequently, to edematous cellulite.

Treatment for edematous cellulite requires a more medical approach, focusing on improving circulatory function. This may include manual lymphatic drainage, compression garments, and specific exercises designed to stimulate blood and lymph flow. Medical consultation is often necessary for this type, as it may indicate an underlying health issue.

What Causes Cellulite?


Genetics plays a crucial role in the development of cellulite, as it can influence factors such as skin structure, texture, and the body's propensity to store fat. Genetic predisposition may determine the strength and flexibility of connective tissues, the amount and distribution of fat cells, and the efficiency of the circulatory system.

A family history of cellulite may indicate a higher likelihood of developing the condition. Specific genes related to collagen formation, fat metabolism, and inflammatory response might interact in complex ways to create a more conducive environment for cellulite to form.

Understanding the genetic aspect of cellulite is an ongoing area of research. While it is clear that genetics is a factor, pinpointing the specific genes and their interactions is a complex task. This understanding, however, can lead to more personalized and effective treatment strategies.


Hormones, particularly estrogen, have a significant effect on the occurrence of cellulite. Estrogen helps regulate fat deposits and blood flow in the areas where cellulite commonly appears. Changes in estrogen levels, especially during menopause, pregnancy, or menstrual cycles, may cause fluctuations in blood circulation, fat deposition, and connective tissue structure, contributing to cellulite development.

Other hormones, such as insulin, adrenaline, and thyroid hormones, also play roles in cellulite formation. An imbalance in these hormones may lead to changes in the way the body metabolizes fat, stores energy, and rebuilds connective tissues.

Hormonal factors make cellulite more common in women than in men. Hormone-based treatments, though still in the experimental stage, might offer future avenues for managing cellulite.

Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle factors, including diet, physical activity, and smoking, can also influence the appearance of cellulite. A diet high in fats, carbohydrates, salt, and low in fiber may promote fat storage and water retention, exacerbating cellulite's appearance.

Physical inactivity may lead to decreased muscle tone and skin elasticity, contributing to the dimpled appearance of cellulite. Regular exercise, on the other hand, can enhance blood circulation, improve muscle tone, and reduce fat deposits, thereby lessening cellulite's visibility.

Smoking harms collagen production, reducing skin elasticity and strength. The toxins in tobacco can also impair blood circulation, further contributing to cellulite development.

Addressing these lifestyle factors can be a crucial part of a comprehensive approach to managing cellulite, emphasizing the importance of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking.

Age and Skin Thickness

As the body ages, the skin naturally becomes thinner and loses elasticity due to a decrease in collagen and elastin production. This thinning makes the underlying fat cells more visible, contributing to cellulite's dimpled appearance.

Age-related changes in hormones, metabolism, and circulatory efficiency can further exacerbate this process. As estrogen levels decrease with age, blood flow to connective tissues may reduce, leading to decreased collagen production. This results in the skin losing firmness and elasticity, allowing the fat cells to push through more easily.

Treatment approaches focusing on improving skin thickness and elasticity, such as collagen-boosting therapies, may be beneficial in addressing age-related cellulite. Preventative measures, including a well-balanced diet rich in antioxidants and proper skincare, can also help maintain skin health and potentially delay the appearance of cellulite with aging.

Cellulite Treatments


Morpheus8 is an advanced and minimally invasive treatment that combines microneedling with radiofrequency (RF) technology. It is designed to improve skin appearance by targeting both the surface and deeper layers of the skin. This technology is becoming increasingly popular for treating cellulite due to its ability to stimulate collagen production, increase elasticity, and smooth out the skin's surface.

The procedure involves using a device with fine needles that penetrate the skin, creating tiny punctures. As the needles enter the skin, they also deliver radiofrequency energy, heating the underlying tissues. This controlled heating stimulates the body's natural healing response, encouraging the production of collagen and elastin, the proteins responsible for skin firmness and elasticity.

Morpheus8 offers a tailored approach, as the depth of needle penetration and the level of radiofrequency energy can be adjusted to suit individual needs. This allows for more precise targeting of cellulite, addressing the structural aspects that lead to its appearance.

The treatment typically involves minimal discomfort, and recovery time is usually short. Some redness, swelling, or bruising may occur, but these side effects generally resolve within a few days.

Several sessions may be required to achieve optimal results, and outcomes can be long-lasting with proper care and maintenance. Combining Morpheus8 with a healthy lifestyle can further enhance and prolong the results.

Radiofrequency (RF) Treatment:

Radiofrequency (RF) treatment is a non-invasive procedure widely used for skin tightening and cellulite reduction. The technology utilizes electromagnetic waves to generate heat within the targeted tissues, stimulating collagen and elastin production.

In cellulite treatment, RF is used to heat the underlying fat cells and connective tissues. This controlled heating leads to an immediate tightening effect, as the collagen fibers contract. Simultaneously, the heat encourages the body to produce more collagen, leading to improved skin firmness and texture over time.

RF treatment can be applied to various areas affected by cellulite, including the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and arms. The procedure is typically painless, though some warmth or mild discomfort may be felt during the session.

One of the advantages of RF treatment is its versatility. It can be used on various skin types and cellulite grades, and it can be combined with other treatments for enhanced results.

The number of sessions required and the duration of the results can vary based on individual factors such as the severity of cellulite, age, and lifestyle. Regular maintenance treatments may be recommended to sustain the results.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment for cellulite is another advanced and effective option that uses targeted laser energy to break down the fibrous tissue bands that pull down on the skin's surface and create the dimpled appearance of cellulite.

During the procedure, a small laser probe is inserted under the skin. The laser energy is then directed to the targeted areas, breaking up the fibrous bands and melting the fat cells. This process not only smooths the skin's surface but also stimulates collagen production, enhancing skin elasticity and firmness.

Laser treatment is often considered a more aggressive approach compared to other non-invasive options. It may require local anesthesia, and there may be some post-procedure swelling, bruising, or discomfort.

The results of laser treatment can be noticeable shortly after the procedure, with continued improvement over several months as new collagen forms. The outcomes are often long-lasting, especially when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Laser treatment is usually performed by experienced medical professionals, as the procedure requires specialized skills and knowledge. A thorough consultation and assessment are necessary to determine the most suitable approach based on the type and severity of cellulite and individual preferences and expectations.

Each of these treatment options offers a unique approach to cellulite reduction and can be customized to meet individual needs and goals. The choice of treatment may depend on factors such as cellulite type, desired results, budget, and personal preferences. Working closely with a qualified and experienced practitioner ensures that the selected treatment aligns with the specific needs and yields the best possible results.

About Our Clinic

Located in the heart of Ascot, Bicester, and London, the SRGN Clinic exemplifies afusion of cutting-edge science, unparalleled skill, and an unwavering commitment to patient care. The clinic stands as a beacon of excellence in thefield of aesthetic and plastic surgery.

Leading the team at SRGN is Dr. Ayad Harb, a renowned plastic surgeon and aesthetic trainer. His expertise, honed by years of experience and a genuine passion for improving lives, defines the very core of the clinic's ethos. Dr. Harb's innovative techniques, combined with an artistic eye for detail, enable him to deliver consistently exceptional results that are tailored to each patient's individual needs and desires.

At SRGN, we believe in the transformative power of aesthetic and plastic surgery. Our treatments, ranging from non-invasive procedures to complex surgical interventions, are designed to enhance and accentuate your natural beauty. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment where you can discuss your aesthetic goals openly, and together we create a treatment plan that brings these goals to life.

Every member of the SRGN team shares a deep commitment to patient care. We prioritise your comfort, safety, and satisfaction from the moment you step into our clinic. Each of our facilities mirrors the luxury and tranquility of their surroundings, offering a serene space where you can embark on your journey to self-improvement.

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