Surgeon-Led Specialist Clinic

Led by plastic surgeon Dr. Ayad Harb, we pride ourselves on the standard of care, quality and safety of our treatments.

Central Clinic Locations

SRGN has three state of the art clinic locations in Central London, Bicester & Ascot.

Care Quality Commission

We're regulated by the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

GMC Registered Surgeons

All of our surgeons are registered with the General Medical Council.



Plasma Hair Rejuvenation

What is Plasma Rejuvenation for Hair?

Plasma Rejuvenation therapy, an avant-garde solution in the world of hair regrowth treatments, is carving a distinct niche in the medical domain. It serves as a beacon of hope for countless individuals, both men and women, who grapple with the daunting issue of hair loss. The therapy is particularly attractive due to its foundational reliance on the body's own natural healing mechanisms, which presents a markedly decreased risk profile when compared to synthetic or chemical interventions.

At the heart of this therapy lies the process of drawing a modest volume of the patient’s blood. Once obtained, this sample undergoes rigorous centrifugation, a procedure to segregate the plasma and platelets from the other constituents. The resultant Platelet-Rich Plasma, abundant in growth factors and essential proteins, becomes the primary therapeutic agent. Precise injections of Plasma Rejuvenation are administered to specific zones of the scalp, primarily areas bearing witness to hair thinning or an outright loss. This reintroduction of concentrated platelets into the scalp sets in motion a cascade of cellular activities.

On a deeper, microscopic level, the growth factors released by the platelets play a pivotal role. They accelerate tissue repair, ensuring that the scalp’s health is optimised for hair regrowth. Moreover, enhanced blood circulation is promoted to the scalp, which ensures a consistent supply of essential nutrients. It’s akin to rejuvenating barren land with a fresh supply of water and nutrients, priming it for new seeds to sprout. In this analogy, the ‘seeds’ are the dormant hair follicles, which, under the influence of Plasma Rejuvenation, can be re-energized, paving the path for new hair to emerge.

Now, one might wonder about the logic behind using one’s own blood for treating hair loss. The body, in its infinite wisdom, is a reservoir of healing agents. Blood is no exception. With Plasma, we’re merely harnessing this inherent potential, focusing it on an area where healing and regeneration are sought. Given that the Plasma is autologous, meaning it's derived from the patient's body, the risks of allergic reactions, foreign body reactions, or transmittable infections are virtually non-existent.

Patients opting for Plasma therapy are often driven by its two-pronged appeal. Firstly, it promises a non-surgical intervention in contrast to the more invasive hair transplant techniques. The absence of surgical incisions, stitches, or scars makes it an attractive proposition for those hesitant to go under the knife. Secondly, the therapy beckons with the allure of significant hair regrowth without the constraints or commitments of daily medications, which can often come bundled with their own suite of side effects.

To paint a clearer picture, imagine the process akin to giving a plant the ideal conditions to thrive. You aren’t modifying the plant itself, but you’re ensuring the soil is rich, the sunlight is adequate, and the water is plentiful. Similarly, with Plasma, the body is not being altered at its core. Instead, it’s being provided with a milieu, brimming with growth factors, to allow natural processes of hair growth to resume with renewed vigour.

The world of aesthetic and regenerative medicine is perpetually evolving, and Plasma therapy for hair regrowth exemplifies this progress. A blend of nature and science, Plasma offers not just a treatment but a promise of renewed confidence and self-assuredness for those it serves.

At a glance

Treatment Time

60-90 minutes



Hospital Stay

Not required

Full Recovery

24 hours

Time off work

Not required (though some may wish to take a day)


After 24 hours


48 hours



Benefits of the treatment

The benefits of Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy span a vast spectrum, making it an exciting frontier in the battle against hair loss. One of the most cherished advantages of Plasma is its natural essence. The treatment leverages a patient's own biological material, namely their blood, which translates into a substantially reduced risk of allergic reactions or adverse side effects. This autologous nature of Plasma puts many potential patients at ease, knowing that they're not introducing foreign or synthetic substances into their bodies. Instead, they are capitalising on the body's innate healing prowess to address a deeply personal concern.

Another standout benefit is the minimal downtime associated with the procedure. In today's fast-paced world, any medical procedure that promises efficacy without demanding significant time away from work or daily routines is undoubtedly appealing. Plasma fits perfectly into this mould. Within a matter of hours, patients can transition from undergoing the treatment to immersing themselves back into their daily activities. This ease of integration is a testament to the therapy's non-invasive nature, which ensures that patients aren't bogged down by prolonged recovery periods or cumbersome post-procedure protocols.

Beyond the procedure's logistics, the results of Plasma are where its true value becomes evident. A multitude of patients report witnessing a discernible increase in hair thickness and density after just a few sessions. The impact isn't just aesthetic; the psychological boost patients receive from witnessing a reversal or halt in hair loss is immeasurable. The renewed confidence, the restored sense of self-worth, and the joy of looking in the mirror and loving what one sees cannot be quantified.

But perhaps what solidifies Plasma's standing as a premier hair regrowth solution is its ability to stimulate dormant hair follicles. Over time, many follicles enter a phase of dormancy, ceasing to produce hair. Plasma's growth factors play a pivotal role in reawakening these silent follicles, instigating a new phase of hair growth. It's a process akin to reigniting a once extinguished flame. This facet of Plasma ensures that the treatment doesn't just improve the quality of existing hair but also amplifies the number of active follicles, directly augmenting hair volume.

Plasma therapy for hair regrowth is more than just a treatment; it's a transformative experience. By combining the best of nature's offerings with cutting-edge medical knowledge, Plasma has crafted a narrative of hope, rejuvenation, and resurgence for countless individuals grappling with hair loss. As we continue to understand and refine the technique, it's clear that Plasma's trajectory is on an upward spiral, promising even more refined results in the future.

How Many Plasma Sessions Will I Need?

The recommended number of Plasma sessions varies based on individual needs and the severity of hair loss. Generally, a common recommendation is an initial series of 3-4 sessions, spaced 4-6 weeks apart. This intensive phase aims to maximise the benefits by establishing a foundational level of growth factors in the scalp. Subsequent to this, maintenance treatments are usually advised every 4-6 months to sustain the results. This long-term plan ensures that the hair follicles remain stimulated, preventing re-entry into the dormant phase. Regular consultations with your specialist can help tailor the number and frequency of sessions to your specific condition and desired outcome.

Are There Any Side Effects?

Plasma therapy is praised for its safety profile, largely because it uses the patient's own blood, minimising the risk of allergic reactions. However, no treatment is entirely devoid of side effects. Commonly observed post-treatment symptoms include mild redness, swelling, or a sensation of tenderness at the injection sites. These are transient and typically subside within 24-48 hours. It's essential to communicate any prolonged or severe side effects to your doctor, ensuring a swift and effective management plan if needed.

Is The Treatment Painful?

The concept of multiple injections might sound daunting to many. However, to ensure patient comfort, a topical anaesthetic is meticulously applied to the scalp before commencing the Plasma procedure. This numbing agent significantly diminishes any discomfort, making the experience relatively pain-free for most. That said, pain perception is subjective, and while most patients describe a mild, bearable sensation during the injections, everyone's tolerance varies. It's always recommended to discuss any pain or anxiety concerns with your physician beforehand, so they can make the necessary accommodations or provide reassurances.

Can Plasma therapy be combined with other hair loss treatments?

Absolutely. Plasma therapy often functions as one component in a comprehensive hair restoration strategy. It can be synergistically combined with other treatments such as topical minoxidil, oral finasteride, or even surgical interventions like hair transplant surgery. Such a multifaceted approach can optimise results by targeting hair loss from multiple angles. Regular discussions with your physician can help draft a customised plan, ensuring each modality's benefits are maximised while minimising potential interactions or side effects.

When Can I Expect To See Results?

The anticipation of results post-therapy is palpable among most patients. Typically, initial subtle improvements can be discerned after 2-3 sessions. These include a reduction in hair shedding and a gradual thickening of existing hair. By the 6-month mark post-treatment, many patients witness noticeable hair regrowth. However, it's crucial to remember that hair growth is a slow, incremental process, and patience is key. Regular follow-ups with your physician can help track progress, make necessary treatment adjustments, and provide an objective perspective on the results achieved.

About Our Clinic

Located in the heart of Ascot, Bicester, and London, the SRGN Clinic exemplifies afusion of cutting-edge science, unparalleled skill, and an unwavering commitment to patient care. The clinic stands as a beacon of excellence in thefield of aesthetic and plastic surgery.

Leading the team at SRGN is Dr. Ayad Harb, a renowned plastic surgeon and aesthetic trainer. His expertise, honed by years of experience and a genuine passion for improving lives, defines the very core of the clinic's ethos. Dr. Harb's innovative techniques, combined with an artistic eye for detail, enable him to deliver consistently exceptional results that are tailored to each patient's individual needs and desires.

At SRGN, we believe in the transformative power of aesthetic and plastic surgery. Our treatments, ranging from non-invasive procedures to complex surgical interventions, are designed to enhance and accentuate your natural beauty. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment where you can discuss your aesthetic goals openly, and together we create a treatment plan that brings these goals to life.

Every member of the SRGN team shares a deep commitment to patient care. We prioritise your comfort, safety, and satisfaction from the moment you step into our clinic. Each of our facilities mirrors the luxury and tranquility of their surroundings, offering a serene space where you can embark on your journey to self-improvement.

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