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GMC Registered Surgeons

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Post Pregnancy

Medically Reviewed April 2023, by Dr. Ayad Harb, one of the world's leading plastic surgeons

About Post Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a profound chapter in a woman's life, characterised by the marvel of creation and a whirlwind of emotions. This transformative phase is marked not only by emotional growth but also by significant physical adjustments. As a woman welcomes new life into the world, her body endures a plethora of changes to accommodate and nurture that life. However, once the journey of pregnancy concludes, many women find themselves faced with the aftermath of these physical evolutions.

During pregnancy, the body works tirelessly to support the growing foetus, and this involves numerous adaptations. The abdomen stretches, breast tissues swell, and hormonal levels surge and dip, impacting various bodily functions and appearances. These alterations, although natural and vital for childbirth, can sometimes leave enduring marks or impressions on the body even after the child is born.

The phase that follows childbirth is termed the 'postpartum' period. This time is one of profound readjustment, as the body attempts to revert to its pre-pregnancy state. The changes that occur during this period are multifaceted. On one hand, hormonal levels undergo a massive recalibration, which, for some women, can lead to conditions like postpartum depression or manifest in physical symptoms like skin changes or hair loss. On the other hand, areas of the body that expanded or adjusted during pregnancy, such as the abdomen and breasts, might not revert entirely to their pre-pregnancy shape and size. This can result in sagging skin or residual stretched marks, which can be sources of concern for many.

Another physiological post-pregnancy change that often goes unspoken is weight gain. While it's natural and healthy for women to gain weight during pregnancy, shedding this weight post-delivery can be a challenge. For some, even with a balanced diet and regular exercise, certain areas of stubborn fat persist. This can be particularly frustrating and can impact a woman's self-esteem.

Moreover, a common post-pregnancy concern many women face is diastasis recti. This medical term describes the weakening or separation of the abdominal muscles that can occur after childbirth. Diastasis recti can leave women with a protruding belly, often mistakenly perceived as weight gain. This condition not only affects a woman's physical appearance but can also have functional implications, such as back pain or core weakness.

At SRGN, we recognize and respect the incredible journey every woman undertakes during and after pregnancy. We understand the intricate dance of emotions involved, from overwhelming joy to potential anxieties about body image. While many women embrace and celebrate the changes that accompany motherhood, there are equally many who seek assistance in addressing certain physical changes to enhance their confidence and well-being.

It's essential to stress that opting for aesthetic treatments post-pregnancy is not an act of vanity. Nor does it signify a desire to erase the evidence of motherhood. Instead, it's a deeply personal decision borne out of a desire to feel confident and at ease in one's body. It's about empowerment, choice, and autonomy. Our clinic aims to support each woman in this journey, offering guidance, expertise, and state-of-the-art treatments to address post-pregnancy concerns, whatever they may be.


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Types of Post Pregnancy Changes

Skin Changes

The largest organ of our body, the skin, undergoes significant transformations during and after pregnancy. From the earliest days of pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations can trigger an array of skin-related concerns. One such condition is melasma, commonly referred to as the 'mask of pregnancy.' Characterised by darkened patches on the skin, particularly on the face, melasma is induced by the upsurge of oestrogen and progesterone, heightening the skin's melanin production when exposed to the sun.

Beyond pigmentary changes, the rapid stretching of the skin to accommodate the growing foetus often results in the development of stretch marks. These linear, wavy scars, which can appear on the abdomen, thighs, and breasts, are a common concern for many women post-delivery. The initial reddish-purple hue of these scars usually fades over time, but their texture and presence often remain, serving as a lasting testament to the skin's elasticity and the body's incredible capacity for growth.

Adding to this, the postpartum period can also see the recurrence or exacerbation of conditions like acne or rosacea, further complicating a woman's relationship with her skin. These changes, while natural, can affect a woman's self-perception and confidence, prompting many to seek solutions or treatments to alleviate or mitigate these concerns.

Physical Alterations

Pregnancy involves a symphony of physical changes as the body prepares for childbirth and nurtures a new life. The most notable of these changes is weight gain, essential for the health of both mother and baby. However, post-delivery, shedding this weight can be challenging. Some women might find that, despite dedicated efforts with diet and exercise, certain areas of the body retain pockets of stubborn fat. These areas, resistant to traditional weight loss methods, can be sources of frustration.

The breasts, having prepared for lactation, also undergo noticeable alterations. During pregnancy, they enlarge and become fuller. Yet, postpartum, they might deflate and lose their previous firmness, sometimes leading to a sagging appearance. For some women, these changes, combined with the potential for asymmetry or changes in nipple appearance, can influence self-esteem and body image.

Then there's the issue of diastasis recti, a condition where the left and right abdominal muscles separate, causing a noticeable bulge in the abdomen. This isn't merely a cosmetic concern; it can lead to back pain, constipation, and other complications. While exercises can help, significant cases often require medical interventions.

Breast Changes

The breasts undergo a myriad of changes during the journey from conception to motherhood. Beginning in the early stages of pregnancy, many women observe their breasts becoming tender, fuller, and larger – a result of the body preparing for breastfeeding. The network of milk ducts expands, and the fatty tissue increases. While these shifts are crucial for nurturing a newborn, they can lead to long-term structural changes in the breasts.

Post-delivery and breastfeeding, many women notice a reduction in breast size, often accompanied by a loss of volume and elasticity. This can result in drooping or sagging, known medically as ptosis. The degree of these changes can vary widely among women, influenced by factors like genetics, age, and the number of pregnancies.

Moreover, the skin around the nipples, the areolas, can also change, becoming larger and darker. And while some of these alterations might revert post-breastfeeding, for many, they remain as lasting reminders of motherhood.

While these transformations are natural and symbolise the incredible capability of a woman's body, they can impact how a woman views herself. For those seeking to restore or enhance the appearance of their breasts post-pregnancy, various treatments and procedures can offer support and solutions.

Post-Pregnancy Treatments

Post-Pregnancy Treatments

Post-pregnancy, the body often retains traces of the beautiful journey of motherhood. While these traces are a testament to the wonders a woman's body can achieve, some changes might impact her self-esteem and comfort. At SRGN, we offer a suite of treatments tailored to address these unique post-pregnancy concerns.

Morpheus8: This innovative treatment has become a beacon of hope for many women seeking skin rejuvenation after childbirth. Utilising the power of fractional radiofrequency technology, Morpheus8 targets the deeper layers of the skin, promoting collagen production and tightening the skin from within. Its efficacy is not merely surface-level; it delves deep to address the underlying causes of skin laxity. This non-invasive approach ensures minimal downtime and is especially effective for those looking to revitalise areas that have become loose or wrinkled after pregnancy.

BODYtite: Addressing post-pregnancy body changes requires a comprehensive approach, and BODYtite stands out in this regard. A minimally invasive body contouring procedure, it combines the dual benefits of removing stubborn fat while simultaneously tightening the skin. By employing radiofrequency-assisted lipolysis, BODYtite effectively melts away fat and coaxes the skin into reclaiming its firmness. For women who have areas resistant to traditional weight loss methods post-delivery, BODYtite offers a sculpted, toned appearance, restoring confidence and enhancing their post-pregnancy silhouette.

Dermal Fillers: The challenges of motherhood, combined with hormonal shifts, can sometimes cast a shadow on facial aesthetics. Dark circles, loss of facial volume, or deepening of wrinkles can leave some women yearning for a refreshed visage. Dermal fillers rise to this occasion, promising immediate results with minimal intrusion. Crafted from biocompatible substances, these fillers replenish lost volume, smooth out wrinkles, and restore the face's youthful contours. Their strategic placement can illuminate the face, combating the tiredness and fatigue that often accompany the early stages of motherhood.

Abdominoplasty: Affectionately known as the 'tummy tuck,' abdominoplasty addresses one of the most significant concerns many women face post-pregnancy: a protruding belly. Whether it's due to diastasis recti, where the abdominal muscles separate, or the presence of excess sagging skin, an abdominoplasty offers a transformative solution. This surgical procedure meticulously tightens the abdominal muscles and trims away extra skin, presenting a flatter, firmer belly. Beyond the aesthetic benefits, it can also alleviate functional issues like back pain, making it a holistic choice for many postpartum women.

At SRGN, our treatments are more than just cosmetic interventions; they are journeys of transformation and empowerment. Each procedure is curated with care, respecting the individuality of every woman and her unique post-pregnancy journey. Our commitment is to enhance and elevate the natural beauty of motherhood, ensuring every woman feels confident, cherished, and celebrated.

About Our Clinic

Located in the heart of Ascot, Bicester, and London, the SRGN Clinic exemplifies afusion of cutting-edge science, unparalleled skill, and an unwavering commitment to patient care. The clinic stands as a beacon of excellence in thefield of aesthetic and plastic surgery.

Leading the team at SRGN is Dr. Ayad Harb, a renowned plastic surgeon and aesthetic trainer. His expertise, honed by years of experience and a genuine passion for improving lives, defines the very core of the clinic's ethos. Dr. Harb's innovative techniques, combined with an artistic eye for detail, enable him to deliver consistently exceptional results that are tailored to each patient's individual needs and desires.

At SRGN, we believe in the transformative power of aesthetic and plastic surgery. Our treatments, ranging from non-invasive procedures to complex surgical interventions, are designed to enhance and accentuate your natural beauty. We strive to provide a safe, comfortable, and confidential environment where you can discuss your aesthetic goals openly, and together we create a treatment plan that brings these goals to life.

Every member of the SRGN team shares a deep commitment to patient care. We prioritise your comfort, safety, and satisfaction from the moment you step into our clinic. Each of our facilities mirrors the luxury and tranquility of their surroundings, offering a serene space where you can embark on your journey to self-improvement.

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